Submitting information
- Each page in oTree can contain a form
- The player fills with some value and then submits it
- Cardinal values
- Integer, Float
- Ordinal values
- Integer, Categorical
- Text
- Strings of numbers and letters
- Cardinal values
- The player fills with some value and then submits it
- Several formats to collect values
- Open fiels
- Buttons
- Radio buttons
- Dropdown lists
- …
Basic structure of forms
- First create fields in
- As an example, if you want to collect name and age
class Player(BasePlayer):
name = models.StringField(label="Your name:")
age = models.IntegerField(label="Your age:")
- Then in, you will create a class
class Anag(Page):
form_model = 'player'
form_fields = ['name', 'age'] # saved as, player.age
- Finally, in the template Anag.html the form will be displayed with
- To display the forms separately
Input formats
- In the following examples the participant receives a random number
- The participant is asked to report features of the number
- Several input interfaces are presented
- Radio
- Button
- Checker
- Dropdown
- Radio Sequence
- Text
- Value
- Tabular
- Several input interfaces are presented
Setting up an individual decision-making task
Our task
- First we investigate individuals’ risk attituted
- Multiple Price List questionnaire (Holt and Laury 2002)
- Trade-off between lotteries
- Multiple Price List questionnaire (Holt and Laury 2002)
- Second we collect pieces of demographic information
- Age,gender, …
Final questionnaire
- Define session constants
- Outcomes of lotteries in MPL
class Constants(BaseConstants):
name_in_url = 'MPL'
players_per_group = None
num_rounds = 1
# these are the lottery payoffs, f1 and f2 refer to lottery A and f3 and f4 to lottery B
f1 = 2.00
f2 = 1.60
f3 = 3.85
f4 = 0.10
- Group and Subsession are empty
- Typical of one-shot individual decision making (ii)
- In Player class we define the “templates” for data collection
- MPL table
class Player(BasePlayer):
# This is for main choices, each variable is one row in the choice table MPL
HL_1 = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=[[1, 'A'],[2, 'B']],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal)
HL_2 = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=[[1, 'A'],[2, 'B']],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal)
HL_3 = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=[[1, 'A'],[2, 'B']],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal)
HL_4 = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=[[1, 'A'],[2, 'B']],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal)
HL_5 = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=[[1, 'A'],[2, 'B']],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal)
HL_6 = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=[[1, 'A'],[2, 'B']],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal)
HL_7 = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=[[1, 'A'],[2, 'B']],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal)
HL_8 = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=[[1, 'A'],[2, 'B']],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal)
HL_9 = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=[[1, 'A'],[2, 'B']],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal)
HL_10 = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=[[1, 'A'],[2, 'B']],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal)
# This is needed for the instructions
HL = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=[[1, 'A'],[2, 'B']],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal)
# These variables are collected in the final questionnaire
sex = models.StringField(widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal(),choices=['Male', 'Female'])
age = models.IntegerField(choices = range(18,60,1))
comment = models.TextField(label="Your comment here:")
like = models.IntegerField(choices=[1,2,3,4,5],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal) (iii)
- In Player class we compute the payoffs
- Typical of individual decision making
... continue
# Define here the methods associated to Players
# this method is needed to compute payoffs
def set_payoff_HL(self):
# select random row and random outcome
self.participant.vars['HL_row'] = random.randint(1,10)
# select one row randomly for payment (from module random)
self.participant.vars['HL_random'] = random.randint(1,10)
# select the number x that defines the outcome of the lottery (if x<=p, outcome is left f1 or f3, otherwise f2 or f4)
# write it to participant.vars['HL_random']
# select choices in correspondence to random row
choices = [self.HL_1,self.HL_2,self.HL_3,self.HL_4,self.HL_5,self.HL_6,self.HL_7,self.HL_8,self.HL_9,self.HL_10]
# create a list with all choices of the player (see self)
self.participant.vars['HL_choice'] = choices[self.participant.vars['HL_row']-1]
# select from the list the choice in correspondence to the randomly drawn row (notice the offset)
# write it to participant.vars['HL_choice']
# Compute here the payoffs
if self.participant.vars['HL_random'] <= self.participant.vars['HL_row']:
# if the random number is smaller equal than the random row
if self.participant.vars['HL_choice'] == 1: #A
# if the choice was A
self.participant.vars['payoff_HL'] = Constants.f1
# because HL_row is the same as p in the MPL
else :
# if the choice was B
self.participant.vars['payoff_HL'] = Constants.f3
# if the random number is slarger than the random row
if self.participant.vars['HL_choice'] == 1 :#A
# if the choice was A
self.participant.vars['payoff_HL'] = Constants.f2
# because HL_row is the same as p in the MPL
else :
self.participant.vars['payoff_HL'] = Constants.f4
self.payoff = self.participant.vars['payoff_HL']
# write the payoff to player.payoff
- In the instructions we need this because we have a simulation of choice protocol
- In the main choice page we need to import a for for each row of the MPL table
- We also need the outcomes, retrieved from constants
- Important to “declare” the variables to display with vars_for_template()
class PageHL(Page):
# which forms are needed from class player
form_model = 'player'
form_fields = ['HL_1','HL_2','HL_3','HL_4','HL_5','HL_6','HL_7','HL_8','HL_9','HL_10'] # all 10 options
# values that are to be displayed (dictionary)
def vars_for_template(self):
# retrieve values from constants and store them in a dictionary
} (ii)
- Before moving to the next page, we compute payoffs
- See method set_payoff_HL() from
- This way we compute payoffs only once and not when browser is refreshed (iii)
- Display outcomes
- declare them with vars_for_template()
- retrieve values from participant.vars and “store” them in a dictionary
- declare them with vars_for_template()
class OutcomeHL(Page):
# values needed to inform subjects about the actual outcome
def vars_for_template(self):
# retrieve values from participant.vars and store them in a dictionary
'payoff_HL': self.player.participant.vars['payoff_HL'],#payoff
'row': self.player.participant.vars['HL_row'], # randomly chosen row
'value': self.participant.vars['HL_random'],# randomly chosen value to define outcome
'choice': self.participant.vars['HL_choice'],# actual choice
# outcomes of the selected row
'p_A_1': self.participant.vars['HL_row'],
'p_A_2': 10-self.participant.vars['HL_row'],
'p_B_1': self.participant.vars['HL_row'],
'p_B_2': 10-self.participant.vars['HL_row']
} (iv)
- Forms in the final questionnaire retrieved from class player in
class Anag(Page):
# forms to retrieve individual information
form_model = 'player'
form_fields = ['comment','like','sex','age']# player.comment,, ...
- Manage the sequence of pages
- Style elements
- size of radio buttons
- Style elements
- size of radio buttons
Instructions.html (ii)
- Main body and demo of MPL
- In a bs container
{% block content %}
<div class="container p-3 my-3 border" style="font-size:18pt">
<h2> Part 1 </h2>
<p>In the firt part of the experiment you are going to choose between couples of lotteries. </p>
<p>The following is an example of the decision setting you are facing</p>
<table class="table">
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col" colspan="2" style="text-align:center">A</th>
<th scope="col" ></th>
<th scope="col" colspan="2" style="text-align:center">B</th>
<th scope="col"></th>
<th scope="row">1</th>
<td > p/10 of €A<sub>1</sub> </td>
<td> (1-p)/10 of €A<sub>2</sub></td>
<td style="font-weight: bold">{{ form.HL }}</td>
<td>p/10 of €B<sub>1</sub></td>
<td >(1-p)/10 of €B<sub>2</sub> </td>
<p>You must choose between lottery A and lottery B, with lottery A delivering €A<sub>1</sub> with probability p/10 and €A<sub>2</sub> with probability (1-p)/10.</p>
<p>Similarly, lottery B delivers €B<sub>1</sub> with probability p/10 and €B<sub>2</sub> with probability (1-p)/10.</p> <p>You will face 10 choices between A and B, with p changing across choices.</p>
<p>All your earnings are virtual, no cash is going to be paid to you. However, choose as if the monetary stakes were real.</p>
<div class="container p-3 my-3 border" style="font-size:18pt">
<h2> Part 2 </h2>
<p>In the second part of the experiment you are asked to report some information about you.</p>
- The button to leave the page
- Put it to the right with a container
<div class="container" style="font-size:18pt">
<div class="row">
<div class="row" style="padding-left:135px;">
<div class="col-md-10">
<div class="col-md-2">
<button name="btn_submit" value="True" class="btn btn-primary btn-large">
<span style="font-size:18pt">Continue</span>
{% endblock %}
How to run and test your app
- Add your app to the list SESSION_CONFIGS
- Description of the app is in a dictionary
- You can set here other parameters (e.g., treatment) that can be then accessed with session.config
- Description of the app is in a dictionary
Start a you app
- Move to your oTree folder with the terminal (usually cd ~/oTree/)
- give the command otree devserver
- copy and paste the url http://localhost:8000/ into you browser
- You will get the following window
Test your app
- To test your app and debug just click on the name of the app
- This creates a number of links (clients) equal to the value in ‘num_demo_participants’ in settings
- Click on the link to open a client
- When a number of clients equal to ‘num_demo_participants’ is open you can start your session
Run a session
- To run a session with N participants
- Click on Sessions in the top bar menu
Click on Create new session
Run a session (ii)
- Choose you app
- Configure your settings
- e.g., number of participants
- Click on create
- You will get a number of links equal to number of participants that you can distribute to your clients
- Configure your settings
Download your data
- To download your data go tp data in the top bar menu
- Click on You can download data in Excel or CSV format here. to download data in an open format
- You can download data for all your apps or separately for each app
Thank you
To contact me just write me an email
or write me on the forum of the course
- Easy
- Add a field to the final questionnaire
- Nationality
- Add a field to the final questionnaire
- Less easy
- Change the protocol of the MPL
- Instead of a choice for each row, participants report only the row in which they switch from A to B
- e.g., the sequence AAAAABBBBB become 6
- Change the protocol of the MPL
Holt, Charles A, and Susan K Laury. 2002. “Risk Aversion and Incentive Effects.” American Economic Review 92 (5): 1644–55.