A z-Tree Course

5: A Public Goods Game

Matteo Ploner
Università degli Studi di Trento

A Public Goods Game

A Public Goods Game

  • Participants can decide how much contribute to a "public" project out of their endowment
  • Participants are in a group of N subjects (usually 4)
    • What is contributed is multiplied by an efficiency factor $1/N<\alpha<1 $
    • What is not contributed is kept in a private account
  • Private incentives are to contribute nothing to the public account
  • But, contributions are efficient
    • $\Rightarrow$ social dilemma
  • The interaction is repeated T times in a partner fashion


Contribution Stage

Stage Paytoffs

Stage Payoffs (ii)

Stage Payoffs (iii)


Final Payoff


  1. Take the PGG
    1. Replicate it as it is, but with groups of 5 participants
    2. Create a new experiment that has the same structural features of the PGG but differs in the way data are collected
      • 2 Participants
      • One chooses (Pl.1) an integer between 0 and 10
      • The other (Pl.2) chooses an integer between 0 and 10, for each potential integer chosen by the other
      • Choice of the other
        Your choice
      • The choices of the two in the group are then matched and payoffs computed
        • As an example, if Pl.1 chooses 3, and Pl.2 had chosen 2 in correspondence to 3, the total contribution is 5