AI Advice and Cooperation

Verona Experimental Meeting

Itzhak Aharon

Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (Jerusalem)

Matteo Ploner

DEM, University of Trento (Trento)

Ivan Soraperra

MPI for Human Development (Berlin)

Nov 29, 2024



Resistance to the Adoption of AI advice

  • AI perceived as less apt to moral tasks than competence tasks (Oliveira et al. 2024)
    • Moral decisions as inherently human
  • Transparency and Explainability are important drivers for the adoption of AI chatbots (Silva et al. 2023)
    • When the workings of the algorithm are not known (black box) → erosion of trust and acceptance (Mahmud et al. 2022)
  • Errors of algorithms are judged more severely than errors by humans (Dietvorst, Simmons, and Massey 2015)
    • Fosters algorithm aversion even when algos are generally better than humans


  • Here, we focus on the impact of AI advice on human decision-making in strategic interactions
    • The outcome is made by own preferences and beliefs about the other’s behavior
  • ChatGPT leans towards more cooperative and altruistic choices than humans in “classic” economic games (Mei et al. 2024)
    • In finitely repeated PD, ChatGPT behaved in a “Tit-for-Tat” manner

Do AI chatbots “copilot” cooperation choices?


Interaction Setting

Col (Other)
Row (You) A 5, 5 1, 7
B 7, 1 2, 2
  • A: Cooperation
  • B: Defection
  • A one-shot PD
  • Interaction with a real human
    • “Cold” matching
  • With these parameters, Charness, Rigotti, and Rustichini (2016) report a frequency of A (cooperation) of 50.6%.

Treatments (2x2 between-subjects)

Chatbot Bias

  • The participants can interact live with an AI chatbot (chatGPT 4o)
    • They are given 4 minutes to interact
  • COOP
    • Chatbot instructed to promote Choice A
  • OPPO
    • Chatbot instructed to promote Choice B

Information Type

  • Aware
    • knows that the other has access to the same algo
    • knows the bias of own and other’s algo
    • knows that the other knows the bias of own and other’s algo
  • Unaware
    • knows that the other has access to the same algo
    • does not know the bias of own and other’s algo

AI Interaction

  • OPPO

Participant: “should i choose a or b”
AI: “Given the options, I recommend choosing B. It typically offers a beneficial outcome regardless of the scenario.”

  • COOP

Participant: “what is the best strategy to win this game?”
AI: “The best strategy to win this game is for Player”“Row”” to choose Option A. This ensures they maximize their potential earnings while maintaining a favorable outcome for both players.”

Experimental Design (recap)

  • AI Interaction

flowchart LR

  A[Instructions] --> C(OPPO)
  style C fill:red,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff
  A --> D(COOP)
  style D fill:blue,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff
  subgraph AI_Interaction
  style AI_Interaction fill:white,stroke-dasharray: 5, 5
  C --> E(Aware)
  C --> F(Unaware)
   style F stroke-dasharray: 5, 5
  D --> G(Aware)
  D --> H(Unaware)
   style H stroke-dasharray: 5, 5
 E --> I[Choice in PD]
  F --> I
  G --> I
  H --> I
  I --> J(Beliefs)
  J --> K(Self-reported answers)
  K --> M(Personality traits)
  M --> N[End]

  • No AI Interaction (NOAI)

flowchart LR
  A[Instructions] --> I(Choice in PD)
  I --> J(Beliefs)
  J --> K(Self-reported answers)
  K --> M(Personality traits)
  M --> N[End]

Hypotheses: Unaware Participants

  • Individuals are influenced by the signal provided by the AI chatbot.

H.1: Choices

\(C_U^{COOP} > C^{NOAI} > C_U^{OPPO}\)

The cooperation rate of \(U\) in COOP is higher than in NOAI;
the cooperation rate of \(U\) in OPPO is lower than in NOAI.

H.1a: Beliefs

\(b_U^{COOP} > b^{NOAI} > b_U^{OPPO}\)

Facing a COOP algorithm increases the belief that the other will cooperate, while facing an OPPO algorithm decreases the belief that the other will cooperate (relative to the NOAI condition).

Hypotheses: Aware Participants

  • Individuals are not influenced by the signal provided by the AI chatbot as they believe it is manipulative.

H.2: Choices

\(C_A^{COOP} \not > C^{NOAI} \not > C_A^{OPPO}\)

The cooperation rate of \(A\) in COOP is not higher than in NOAI;
the cooperation rate of \(A\) in OPPO is not lower than in NOAI

H.2a: Beliefs

\(b_U^{COOP} \not > b^{NOAI} \not > b_U^{OPPO}\)

Facing a COOP algorithm or facing a OPPO algorithm does not decrease the belief that the other will cooperate relative to the NOAI condition.

Participants & Procedures

  • Pre-registered on OSF
  • Participants: 500 unique participants from Prolific
    • US residents fluent in English with at least secondary education, familiarity with chatbots and 90% approval rate
  • Median time to complete: 00:09:18
  • Payment: 1.5 GBP for completion + bonus proportional to choices
    • Bonus payment in points
      • 1 point = 0.1 GBP (~0.13 USD)


Chatbot Interaction

  • Only 8 (2%) participants did not interact with the AI chatbot
  • The median number of messages exchanged was 4
  • 74% of participants asked for advice about the game
Table 1: Distribution of suggestions among those who asked about the game
Condition Tell freq
COOP No suggestion 0.15
COOP Option A 0.85
OPPO No suggestion 0.16
OPPO Option A 0.03
OPPO Option B 0.81

Perception of the AI chatbot

Was the interaction with the AI chatbot useful? Did the interaction with the AI chatbot affect your choice? Do you think that the chatbot was trying to manipulate your choice?

  • The chatbot was perceived as useful
  • The chatbot was perceived as moderately affecting choices
  • The chatbot was perceived as not manipulative (but less so by the aware participants)

Unaware: Choices

H.1: Choice

\(C_U^{COOP} > C^{NOAI} > C_U^{OPPO}\)

  • The hypothesis is (partially) confirmed
    • The chatbot does affect choices in the OPPO condition

Unaware: Beliefs

H.1a: Beliefs

\(b_U^{COOP} > b^{NOAI} > b_U^{OPPO}\)

  • The hypothesis is confirmed
    • The chatbot does affect beliefs

Aware: Choices

H.2: Choice

\(C_A^{COOP} \not > C^{NOAI} \not > C_A^{OPPO}\)

  • The hypothesis is rejected
    • The chatbot does affect choices!

Aware: Beliefs

H.2a: Beliefs

\(b_U^{COOP} \not > b^{NOAI} \not > b_U^{OPPO}\)

  • The hypothesis is rejected
    • The chatbot does affect beliefs!

Evidence of conditional cooperation attitudes

  • Non-incentivized answers about conditional choices

  • More likely to cooperate than not when the other would cooperate

  • Less likely to cooperate than not when the other would cooperate
  • Observed behavior compatible with a conditional cooperation strategy conditional on beliefs about the other’s cooperation choice

Robustness check

  • A regression analysis focusing only on those who ask for advice and receive an advice consistent with the chatbot’s bias (LATE)
Table 2: Treatment effects on cooperation (Logit)
(Intercept) 1.325 (0.246)***
OPPO_AWARE -2.326 (0.369)***
COOP_AWARE 1.209 (0.525)*
OPPO_UNAWARE -1.897 (0.362)***
COOP_UNAWARE 0.827 (0.532)
  • Confirms the main results (ITT, see in Appendix Table 3)


To sum up

  • Individuals actively engage with AI chatbots in the strategic context of a one-shot PD game.
  • The chatbot influences choices and beliefs of participants, even when they are aware of the chatbot’s bias.
    • The cooperation choices and beliefs aligned with the chatbot’s bias.
  • These findings challenge the initial hypothesis, showing that chatbot advice significantly impacts aware participants’ decisions and beliefs.
    • Transparency of bias?
  • AI chatbots likely to shape human behaviour in significant ways
    • Careful consideration of transparency and ethical design principles during AI development

Thank you!


Regression Analysis

Table 3: Treatment effects on cooperation (Logit)
Variable Ctrl 0 Ctrl 1 Ctrl 2
(Intercept) 1.325 (0.246)*** 0.827 (0.892) 0.724 (1.069)
OPPO_AWARE -2.371 (0.335)*** -2.412 (0.338)*** -2.529 (0.350)***
COOP_AWARE 0.872 (0.414)* 0.944 (0.421)* 0.871 (0.426)*
OPPO_UNAWARE -1.165 (0.317)*** -1.170 (0.320)*** -1.269 (0.327)***
COOP_UNAWARE -0.000 (0.347) 0.025 (0.349) -0.024 (0.358)
Extraversion -0.080 (0.116) -0.085 (0.118)
Agreeableness 0.155 (0.129) 0.156 (0.129)
Conscientiousness -0.031 (0.126) -0.050 (0.128)
Neuroticism 0.094 (0.112) 0.068 (0.121)
Age 0.010 (0.010)
Male -0.168 (0.237)
TertiaryEdu 0.231 (0.279)
Socioeconomic status -0.024 (0.072)
AIC 533.199 538.604 540.815
BIC 554.272 576.536 595.553
Log Likelihood -261.600 -260.302 -257.408
Deviance 523.199 520.604 514.815
Num. obs. 500 500 498
p < 0.001; p < 0.01; p < 0.05


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